Woodcock Hill, Sandridge
St Albans Hertfordshire, AL4 9EB
01727 850 576
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Looking to the future, our vision is that Sandridge will be an ‘Outstanding’ school and the school of choice for children in St Albans. We wish to be recognised for our nurturing and caring environment, in which every child strives to do their very best, feeling happy, safe and confident.

Our vision is underpinned by the shared values of the whole school community:

Respect, Equality, Perseverance and Self-belief.

These values drive our work and permeate all aspects of our teaching and learning.

Our aims:

Sandridge School will:

  • Be an educationally inclusive school in which the well-being, learning and achievements of all members of the school community matter and are well-catered for.
  • Expect and promote the highest standards of behaviour and academic achievement.
  • Provide a broad, exciting and challenging curriculum, alongside a wide range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities which actively encourage and develop the talents of every child.
  • Ensure an excellent start to their school experience for children in our Nursery, and establish positive and lasting relationships with parents and carers.
  • Provide a safe, healthy and secure environment, recognising that our commitment to investing in the emotional, mental and physical well-being of pupils and staff will enhance progress and achievement.
  • Ensure that all teaching and learning takes place within a stimulating, high-quality environment, enhanced and further developed with the aid of the most up-to-date resources and materials.
  • Provide every child with access to high-quality music education – including instrumental tuition – developing enjoyment and the confidence to perform and bring pleasure to others.
  • Provide opportunities for all staff to continue their own learning and professional development and share quality practice with colleagues.
  • Foster a strong sense of pride in making a positive contribution to the success of the school ‘family’ and wider community.
  • Prepare pupils to enter the next stage of their education with the confidence, knowledge, experience and skills required to become responsible and successful citizens, well-equipped to meet the demands of modern life.


Sandridge School British Values

Promoting British values


The Rule of Law

Individual Liberty

Mutual Respect
