The school day starts at 8.40am but children in Years 1 to 6 can enter their classrooms from 8.30am. Classroom doors will be locked at 8.40am and children arriving after this time will need to report to the office. The school day ends at 3.10pm.
Morning break for KS1 children is from 10.15am to 10.30am and for KS2 children is from 10.35am to 10.50am. Lunchtime for children in Reception and KS1 is 11.50am to 12.45pm and for children in KS2 is 12.10pm to 1.05pm.
For safeguarding reasons, parents and carers must not enter the school by any door other than the main school entrance and only when they have been invited to do so by a member of staff. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher outside of normal drop off and pick up times, please contact the school office to make an appointment.
Parents leaving the school premises at the end of the day are asked to do so promptly.